Senin, 24 Juni 2019

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2

Nama : Nadhifa Irbah
NPM  : 14115906
Kelas  : 4KA23

1. Present Future Tense
He is going to buy coffee at coffee shop tonight (Dia laki - laki akan membeli kopi di warung kopi nanti malam)
=> This sentence is a present future tense, because the event in future uses "is going to" and the adverb of time "tonight".

2. Simple Present Tense
My sister drinks milk every morning (Saudara perempuan saya minum susu setiap pagi )
=> This sentence is simple present tense, because this event takes place repeatedly or habits "every morning" .

3. Simple Past Tense
Last holiday, i went to Padang (Liburan kemarin saya pergi ke Padang)
=> This sentence is simple past tense, because the verb uses verb 2 "went" and the adverb of time uses "last holiday".

4. Present Perfect Tense
She has lived in Bandung since 4 months ago (Dia perempuan tinggal di bandung sejak lima bulan yang lalu)
=> This sentence is present perfect tense, because there is the auxiliary verb "has" + verb 3 "lived" and uses "since" as the marker of time this event happened in the past and still continue today.

5. Present Continous Tense
My father is planting a mango tree in the backyard today (Ayah saya menanam pohon mangga di halaman belakang hari ini)
=> This sentence is present continous tense, because uses to be "is" + verb-ing "planting" and the adverb of time "today".

6. Past Perfect Tense and Simple Past
After my mother had cooked, i washed the dirty dishes (Setelah ibu saya memasak, saya mencuci perabotan yang kotor)
=> This sentence uses cojunction "after" to connect 2 sentences. The first sentence is a past perfect tense, because there is the auxilary verb "had" and verb 3 "cooked". The second sentence using simple past tense, because uses verb 2 "washed".

7. Past Continous Tense and Simple Past Tense
I was reading book when my mother called me (Saya sedang membaca buku ketika ibu saya memanggil saya)
=> This sentence uses conjunction "when" to connect 2 sentences. The first sentence is a past continous tense, because uses to be "was" and verb-ing "reading". The second sentence using simple past tense, because uses verb 2 "called".

8. Future Tense and Simple Present Tense
She will watch a movie after she finishes work (Dia perempuan menenton sebuah film setelah dia selesai bekerja)
=> This sentence uses conjunction "after" to connect 2 sentences. The first sentence is a future tense, because uses "will" in the sentence. The second sentence is a simple present tense, because the verb uses verb 1 "finishes" .

9. Present Perfect Continous Tense
She has been dancing for the last 3 hours (Dia perempuan telah menari selama 3 jam)
=> This sentence is present perfect continous tense, because there is auxilary verb "has been" and verb- ing "dancing".

10. Past Perfect Continous Tense
The fisherman had been hunting the fish for 5 hours (Nelayan telah berburu ikan selama 5 jam)
=> This sentence is past perfect continous, becasuse there is auxilary verb "had been" and verb-ing "hunting".